Joel & Brooklyn Castellon

Joel´s Testimony

I was born in Bolivia, grew up in a Christian family, and attended church my entire life; however, I did not recognize my personal need for a Savior until 2011. There was a Christian camp that was to be held four hours from where I lived. After the week was over, I realized that I needed Jesus to save me. Alone in my room, I knelt by my bed and asked forgiveness for my sins, putting my faith and trust only in Christ. God saved me that day and began working on my heart to send me to the ministry. Later, I became an aircraft mechanic, but I knew there was something else that God wanted from me. In 2012, I surrendered myself to serve the Lord in full-time ministry and began preparation in the Discipleship Independent Baptist Seminary. Throughout the five years of study, we were sent to ministerial tasks throughout Bolivia, to preach and evangelize, God moved my heart to be a missionary and preach the gospel where it had not been preached with the vision of starting and establishing biblical churches that are a hope for the lost. God moved our hearts to the city of Sucre-Bolivia, an area that is mostly indigenous, in 2018 we moved and began our ministry with the Christ is Coming Baptist Church.

Brooklyn´s Testimony

I was born in the U.P. of Michigan and had the blessing of being raised in a Christian home. At a tender age, I told my mother that I wanted Jesus in my heart too. She patiently sat with me, and after clearly explaining the Gospel, she led me to Christ. After praying and receiving God’s Gift of Salvation, I remembering running around to all of my siblings and shouting, “I’m saved!” Shortly thereafter, our pastor had all of the children in the church mention what they wanted to be when they grew up. When it was my turn, I proudly said, “A missionary!” That desire has never left me. Upon graduating from high-school, I began seeking the Lord’s direction of where He would have me serve. I prayed of many opportunities but felt God saying “Wait.” Meanwhile, I studied His Word and participated in all the church ministries I could. In 2013, I heard of the need of workers in a children’s home in Bolivia. After clearly seeing God’s direction, I left in June of 2014. Upon arriving, I attended a seminary to help my Spanish while my paperwork was in process. It was there that I met my future husband. After serving in the children’s home Casa Mia for three years, the Lord brought us together and led us to the city of Sucre.

Ministry in Bolivia

We have been blessed to see the ministry grow. During the time we have been in Sucre, one of our hopes was to strengthen the church by starting marriage meetings and family conferences. God has blessed Christ Is Coming Baptist Church with new believers and the reconciliation of several who had turned away from the Lord. We began youth ministry with 4 young people, yet God blessed us with many new faces. A vision that we have had is Missions. After teaching the brethren, we started Faith Promise which has been of great encouragement to the brethren. God is faithful! Together with the church, we have been learning and obeying the Great Commission by supporting missionaries and ministries and by sharing the Gospel of our Lord in Sucre, Bolivia.


  • Glorify God
  • Preach the Gospel
  • Plant Churches
  • Disciple and Training Nationals

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